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Make Media Studios Accessibility statement

Updated: 10/09/2023

At Make Media Studios, we are committed to ensuring digital accessibility for people with disabilities. We strive to continually improve the user experience for everyone, and we believe that every visitor should have access to the information and services we provide on our website.

To make our website accessible to a broader range of people, we have implemented the following measures:

1. Accessibility Standards: Our website adheres to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 Level AA. These guidelines are recognized worldwide as the benchmark for web accessibility and provide detailed recommendations for creating an inclusive online environment.

2. Accessibility Features: We have incorporated various accessibility features into our website, including but not limited to:

  • Alternative text for images and multimedia elements.

  • Keyboard navigation support.

  • Clear and consistent website structure and headings.

  • Accessible forms and interactive elements.

  • Properly labeled form fields and buttons.

  • Text that is resizable without loss of content or functionality.

3. Ongoing Evaluation: We regularly assess our website using accessibility evaluation tools and manual  to address areas that require improvement.

4. Feedback and Assistance: We welcome feedback from users who encounter accessibility barriers on our website. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding the accessibility of our website, please contact us.

Feedback Process: If you encounter any accessibility barriers or have suggestions to improve the accessibility of our website, please contact us.

Accessibility Statement Updates: This accessibility statement will be reviewed and updated regularly to reflect our ongoing commitment to digital accessibility.

Date of Last Update: 10/09/2023

Thank you for visiting Make Media Studios and for your interest in our accessibility efforts. We are dedicated to providing an inclusive online experience for all our users.


Make Media Studios.

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